Switch to Systemd From Grub

Monday, Nov 1, 2021

I have two efi partitions, p1 for windows and p4 for Arch sudo fdisk -l Add the efi entry in /etc/fstab get the UUID from sudo blkid Mount the /efi sudo mount /efi && ls /efi The structure would look something like Install ucode for my amd machine it is sudo pacman -S amd-ucode Reinstall linux kernel sudo pacman -S linux linux-headers mkinitcpio -P Add the following in sudo nano /efi/loader/entries/arch.
@ rushi
1 minutes read

Bookmark Linux Commands using Keep

Thursday, Oct 28, 2021

Why keep ? opensource can export commands from ~/.keep/commands.json My branch now supports running commands with id https://github.com/rushic24/keep Add command: keep new
@ rushi
1 minutes read

Pretty pop up cheatsheet for SWMO

Friday, Jul 2, 2021

I had recently moved to awesomewm from i3wm, some default keybindings were different and It had a really cool command to access cheatsheet which looked like below Then I got a linux phone where swaywm was highly popular in development, I couldn’t find anything good enough to create that cheatsheet like the one found in awesomewm. This script allows me to parse the swaywm config, and create a cheatsheet. It can later be made more pretty through https://carbon.
@ rushi
4 minutes read
Webscraping 1 minute stock data from tradingview

Webscraping 1 minute stock data from tradingview

Tuesday, Dec 22, 2020

How I webscraped 1 minute stock data from tradingview After a long die-hard trying I managed to get 1 minute stock data for free. My previous tries were using selenium and beautifulsoup modules in python. But the data is highly obfuscated so I was not able to find the exact HTML element to scrape. If you manage to do this using selenium please comment below. Probably the data is being loaded up as SVG which is why it isn’t being seen in html inspect element.
@ rushi
1 minutes read

My Machine Learning resources

Sunday, Dec 20, 2020

Machine Learning Concepts. Decision Theory / Risk Estimation Machine Learning #09 Statistical Decision Theory: Regression OLS Assumptions 7 Classical Assumptions of Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Linear Regression - Statistics By Jim The Gauss-Markov Theorem and BLUE OLS Coefficient Estimates The Gauss-Markov Theorem and BLUE OLS Coefficient Estimates - Statistics By Jim PCA Making sense of principal component analysis, eigenvectors & eigenvalues PCA (Overview) StatQuest: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Step-by-Step PCA Math Principal Component Analysis (The Math) : Data Science Concepts
@ rushi
2 minutes read

Adding Netlify CMS to Existing GitHub Pages Site Within 10 Minutes

Saturday, Nov 28, 2020

Creating an GitHub OAuth App First, go to GitHub Dev Settings and click New OAuth App. Or just click here: https://github.com/settings/developers Enter whatever you like for Application name and Homepage URL. In Authorization callback URL, enter: https://api.netlify.com/auth/done. Once finished, leave the page in the background. You will need the Client ID and Client Secret on this page later. Creating a Netlify Site … Relax! We’re just creating one, without actually using it.
@ rushi
1 minutes read
How to Change Docker Storage Location

How to Change Docker Storage Location

Wednesday, Nov 11, 2020

You can easily change the Docker default storage location by creating the daemon.json file and pointing to another location in that file. It happened to me several times that I didn’t have enough space in my root partition to store Docker containers and I had to move the Docker default storage location to another partition. In this post, I wrote down how to do that for my readership and future myself :)
@ rushi
3 minutes read
LSTMS for stock price predictions, worth it ?

LSTMS for stock price predictions, worth it ?

Friday, Jul 3, 2020

The internet is now flooded with “predicting stock market prices using LSTM”. I went through 9 articles that I found on websites like medium, KDnuggets, etc. And I realized almost 6-7 out of them showed promising results. But none of them showed their real-life use-case; the question is is it beneficial? LSTMS predict T+1th term by previous k terms of time-series, say k=2, So we need to have T and T-1 to predict T+2 so suppose my X for input is Open, High, Low, Close, Volume, and Y would be the next day’s Close
@ rushi
2 minutes read

Monday, Jan 1, 0001

@ rushi
0 minutes read
A prebuilt kali-linux with GUI aka vnc in docker in 2 seconds

A prebuilt kali-linux with GUI aka vnc in docker in 2 seconds

Monday, Jan 1, 0001

This guide assumes you already know what is docker and docker, vncviewer installed on your system The docker image given at https://hub.docker.com/search?q=&type=image is a blank kali image with 0 tools. Let us create a light-weight custom image with the tools needed. The following are the tools which I think are commonly used in kali you can add/remove a few from that list. aircrack-ng crackmapexec crunch curl dirb dirbuster dnsenum dnsrecon dnsutils dos2unix enum4linux exploitdb ftp git gobuster hashcat hping3 hydra impacket-scripts john joomscan masscan metasploit-framework mimikatz nasm ncat netcat-traditional nikto nmap patator php powersploit proxychains python-pip python2 python3 recon-ng responder samba samdump2 smbclient smbmap snmp socat sqlmap sslscan theharvester vim wafw00f weevely wfuzz whois wordlists wpscan Creating Dockerfile
@ rushi
2 minutes read


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