Wayvnc Arch Linux (Pinephone)

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Traditionally we have been using Xorg or X11 as the display server on linux. Wayland is a similar display server which aims to be a modern and more optimized. I’m not much used to wayland and this is a guide for using wayvnc, a vnc server for wayland. Any vnc client like tigervnc/ realvncviewer can be used. # Install wayvnc sudo pacman -S wayvnc Create a config with the authentication info and load it using the –config command line option or place it at the default location $HOME/.
@ rushi
1 minutes read

Pretty pop up cheatsheet for SWMO

Friday, Jul 2, 2021

I had recently moved to awesomewm from i3wm, some default keybindings were different and It had a really cool command to access cheatsheet which looked like below Then I got a linux phone where swaywm was highly popular in development, I couldn’t find anything good enough to create that cheatsheet like the one found in awesomewm. This script allows me to parse the swaywm config, and create a cheatsheet. It can later be made more pretty through https://carbon.
@ rushi
4 minutes read


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