I came across this wonderful video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qv6UVOQ0F44. It took me into searching for its code to implement that. And here are a few.
The main problem in them is they use BizHawk Emulator, which I was not successful in compiling for my debian OS, Its stable only for windows machines. Then I found its alternative fceux Which can handle lua scripts too!.
The following steps are what I used to compile it successfully.
Download the FCEUX src. from their website
sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev scons libgtk-3-dev liblua5.1-0-dev libgd-dev
tar xzvf fceux-2.2.3.src.tar.gz
cd fceux-2.2.3
Open SConstruct
vim SConstruct
Make sure gtk3 is used
BoolVariable('GTK', 'Enable GTK2 GUI (SDL only)', 0),
BoolVariable('GTK3', 'Enable GTK3 GUI (SDL only)', 1),
To compile
This will take around 5-10mins. Onc done Install it.
sudo scons install
Adding fceux in application drawer.
sudo cp fceux.desktop /usr/share/applications
sudo cp fceux.png /usr/share/pixmaps
After reboot you can see fceux in application drawer, or type fceux in terminal to run without rebooting. I will be uploading my experiences with that mario script soon once I configure :)