In the previous year, I had posted a script to fill google forms using selenium, and containerizing it with docker to run it parallelly. This is an alternative way to do the same using post requests.
I had created a google form using the default template shown below.
Which had fields like
To get started we need to capture the request. I’ve used burp suite tool to capture, there are many alternative tools you can google.
Capturing Requests
Setting up burp
Create a localhost proxy in burp
Then in the browser settings, put the proxy as localhost
You may refer this on how to capture request using burp
For the URL to send request, replace the ‘/viewform’ from the original URL when you open the form manually in browser with ‘/formResponse’, In my case
URL = ""
Copy the raw_headers which you get from burpsuite
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:77.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/77.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 365
Connection: close
Cookie: S=spreadsheet_forms=ptyYIUGTE-Wce1eMmds7LWc60bZe_XGHOQKjxWnzIHk; NID=204=0wAwj_KBdtmVpuWOQvMGbyhQS7w9LewGgXAnULqYY-ElcRmhGC1_LeJHUB__Fl7nRmGA89EjUK_6PDO4ihZ0fbL0mohFj5zYKpwCZ3j-DoGFtMo2gzQ0Ck9XabjFSDOGgYvjQXFVE6YuhD9SzX9XKub9zsG7o6KPKNThIYz0f5I; ANID=AHWqTUm_MzyyXf3yDhw_L2TZ3Gx9IL62BowaziQCT57iFP7NiOWn86NfU5A3FRyo
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
Cleaning and converting of the raw_headers into a dictionary
headrs= dict([[h.partition(':')[0], h.partition(':')[2].strip()] for h in raw_headers.split('/n')])
#removing cookie and blank keys
del headrs['Cookie']
del headrs['']
Similarly raw_data is data sent as shown in burpsuite, copy that into raw_data
The raw_data is url-encoded, we need to url-decode it first
raw_data= urllib.parse.unquote(raw_data)
Cleaning and fetching the keys of raw_data
for x in raw_data[:-4]:
data= {k: v for k, v in data.items() if v is not ''}
Next we generate a custom dictionary with the keys fetched and their respective values as custom values
Note:- For multiple values like checkboxes we can also pass as a list like ’entry.1753222212’: [‘Day 1’, ‘Day 3’] here.
data = {
'entry.1556369182': '',
'entry.479301265': 'dheknyasorg',
'entry.1753222212': ['Day 1', 'Day 3'],
'entry.588393791': 'Vegan',
'entry.2109138769': 'Yes',
Now everything is ready, we only need to send a post request with our parameters.
# sending post request and saving response as response object
r = = URL, data = data, headers=headrs)
# status 200=success
resp = r.status_code
print("The ResponseL is:%s"%resp)
A response would get recorded in the google form if status_code is 200.
Full code here