My Pinephone Setup

My Pinephone Setup

Thursday, Apr 14, 2022

The Pinephone[1] is my first Linux smartphone. I’ve been waiting for this since 2018. I feel the more android is advancing the more it is getting IOS’ish. Android was not meant to be this way. The reason it became popular early was it being opensource, and developer friendly. That era allowed bootloader unlocking, developing custom and newer kernels, tweaking the UI. Newer android has become too much bloatish and restrictive. For instance if we see miracast, android dropped miracast support for non samsung devices after android 8.
@ rushi
6 minutes read

Colab Equivalent Pytorch Docker With GPU

Sunday, Mar 27, 2022

Dockerfile FROM pytorch/pytorch:1.10.0-cuda11.3-cudnn8-devel WORKDIR /root RUN pip install jupyter jupyterlab EXPOSE 8888 COPY . . CMD jupyter notebook --port=8888 --no-browser --ip= --allow-root docker-compose.yml version: "3" services: main: build: . volumes: - .:/root ports: - 8888:8888 network_mode: "host" privileged: true deploy: resources: reservations: devices: - driver: nvidia count: 1 capabilities: [gpu] Run docker-compose build docker-compose run --rm main Reason? Colab equivalent Pytorch version 1.10.0 torchtext works torchdata works
@ rushi
1 minutes read

Cool Stuff to Do With SSH

Saturday, Feb 5, 2022

Watch Netflix from restricted regions Use: Some Netflix shows are only available in India, Let us proxy through some Indian server to watch Netflix # In terminal 1 # 9050 is default port for proxychains socksproxy # something@someIP should be some Indian server ssh something@someIP -D 9050 # In terminal 2 proxychains firefox # Check the IP using It should show the ip of the ssh server(India), Now you can watch Indian Netflix :D VNC over SSH tunnel Best alternative if Anydesk/ Teamviewer fails on linux
@ rushi
1 minutes read

Lets Clone the Voice of Priyanka Chopra Jonas

Wednesday, Jan 12, 2022

I had decided to get my email reminders using any celebrity’s voice in my previous post Alexa AI for reminding important emails and reminders. Here is a small step towards it :D If you don’t know how Priyanka Chopra sounds like, here is a real sample Sample synthesized voice 1 Sample synthesized voice 2 Sample synthesized voice 3 Real voice of Amitabh Bachchan Sample synthesized voice for Amitabh Bachchan This one is more robotic.
@ rushi
2 minutes read

Running the Real Time Voice Cloning in Docker on Arch Linux

Friday, Dec 24, 2021

I came across this awesome project called Real Time Voice Cloning by Corentin Jemine and I wanted to give it a shot. I’m currently working on a Arch linux machine with GPU, that could easily run the toolbox, but I wanted an easy way to get everything setup. Docker would do the trick as far as getting it setup, and then through forwarding the X Window System via SSH, I could view and control the program locally as it ran remotely.
@ rushi
5 minutes read

Alexa AI for reminding important emails and reminders

Sunday, Dec 19, 2021

Motivation :- It was the third time I missed reading my email and picking up shifts for my oncampus job. I did try creating labels and filtering them but that didn’t show any progress in improvement. It’s really stressful when I get the notification that something needs a response from me right away. I had to make sure that I was not missing this next time. It is then when I decided I need to build a system to process and remind me this.
@ rushi
3 minutes read

Pca VS AutoEncoders

Thursday, Nov 25, 2021

PCA import numpy as np import sklearn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler from tensorflow.keras.datasets import fashion_mnist import seaborn as sns import os import gzip import sys # The number of components for pca N_COMP = 100 #@param {type:"integer"} #Load data: (X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test) = fashion_mnist.load_data() #Design matrix print('Design matrix size: {}'.format(X_train.shape)) Downloading data from 32768/29515 [=================================] - 0s 0us/step 40960/29515 [=========================================] - 0s 0us/step Downloading data from https://storage.
@ rushi
5 minutes read
Publishing HUGO Post to DevTo Using GitHub CI and CD Pipeline

Publishing HUGO Post to DevTo Using GitHub CI and CD Pipeline

Saturday, Nov 6, 2021

Why this tool? There are aleady a few github actions available like publish-devto and markdown-to-devto They seem to be failing despite of the valid data in the markdown file. For a large amount of posts there was no option to add a break and the API got overflowed. Steps to set up Creating API Keys in Dev.To Login to and then go to accounts and create new api key.
@ rushi
3 minutes read

Enable Secure Boot on Dualboot

Monday, Nov 1, 2021

Repo to Tips preloader-signed works with systemd boot If you have grub and want to move to systemd-boot refer this
@ rushi
1 minutes read

Ml Pipelines on Kubeflow on Localhost

Monday, Nov 1, 2021

What is Vagrant ? Install Vagrant sudo pacman -S vagrant vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest vagrant-share Note: There is also vagrant libvirt plugin for qemu vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt but this doesn’t work with kubeflow Install virtualbox sudo pacman -S virtualbox for the linux kernel, choose virtualbox-host-modules-arch for any other kernel (including linux-lts), choose virtualbox-host-dkms Load the vbox drv module sudo modprobe vboxdrv Make sure to put path for Virtualbox where you have a lot of space (50GB+)
@ rushi
1 minutes read


g1eny0ung 的 ❤️ 博客

记录一些 🌈 生活上,技术上的事


马上(已经)毕业于 🏫 大连东软信息学院


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  • JavaScript & TypeScript
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目前在 PingCAP 工作

– 2020 年 09 月 09 日更新


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